Birthed during the pandemic lockdown of 2020-2022, the songs of Mayday Music spring from a musical cauldron comprised of decades of shared experience, influence and sensibility. This first chapter is a collection of observations and stories from the frontlines of human experience, with all of its tragedy and joy, dark and light, and miracles and sin.



Toronto based Mayday Music seems to defy category or description. Lush arrangements, a full palate of instrumental sounds, both electronic and organic, graceful and gritty. Lyrics that cover a vast swath of topical space, both personal and universal. Sometimes big, sometimes intimate.

Multi instrumentalist/producer Jon James and singer/songwriter Derek Christie are the heart of this genre and era defying musical entity. Since the late 80’s, they have collaborated musically in numerous bands/projects, with their partnership culminating in this new body of work. Their first album, ‘Miracles and Sin’ (November 2022), is a collection of songs they wrote and recorded during the pandemic lockdown of 2020-22.

“You hit a bull’s-eye with this Mayday track. Beautiful work, it speaks to me.”

– Scott T Teardrop, Neurotica Records


“Sounds like the beginning of a rock opera for our times.”

– Kathy Hahn


“Riveting lyrics…”

– Don Oates, Sony Music Entertainment


“When was this produced? It seems new. This album is Awesome! Will there be a tour or live gigs somewhere? Love the vocals. I’m so excited just listening to your album! Wow just Fab!”

– Alberta John Mac


Fantastic creativity going on here all. Loving the layers and vibe of the production. This is music ripe for the present. Great performances! “ All star effort by some great musicians and songsters. I’ve got two copies and spreading the word all. Again, EXCELLENT work!”


– Robert Best, PhD Music


Tour dates coming soon.



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